Know-how, done right
Become a better creative who spits out ideas or headlines like a water sprinkler on a dry summer's day. ⛲ You'll walk out with a toolbox of techniques, a better understanding of how our brains work, and a ton of inspiration.
Imagine a bunch of books and online courses about creativity and copywriting, packaged into snackable masterclasses with go-to exercises. That's what you're in for.
Read below what others say and send an e-mail with a booking request!
For whom? Junior to mid-level creatives, students, or events.
Have you ever had a proper stare-down with the infamous white page, or the blinking cursor on your screen? We know creativity won't always come when we need it. But there are ways to deal with it and techniques to unlock your door to ideas. 🔑
💪 Understand the process of when & where ideas come from and gain confidence in your approach. Next, 10 habits and ways to start generating some creative concepts.
On average, 8 out of 10 people will read your headline. But only 2 of 10 will read the rest. So, if you want your ad to be noticed or your body copy to be read, the headline needs to do the heavy-lifting. 🏋️♂️
💪 Get insights into the theory and techniques behind successful headlines, why they work, what the relation is between copy & design, and start writing better ones yourself. It's easier than you think.
Theory & practice go 🤝
20+ examples from 30+ years advertising
2x handouts to start cooking up ideas
Customised to your industry (with examples)
Presentation possible in languages EN / NL / DE
45-60 min.
Theory & practice go 🤝
37 examples from 30+ years advertising
Handouts to start becoming a headliner yourself
Customised to your industry (with examples)
Presentation possible in languages EN / DE / NL
45-60 min.
No cure, no pay.
You decide what it's worth.
No cure, no pay.
You decide what it's worth.
Take it from them
"Amazing Erhan! Thanks for the inspiration and until next time."
Babs van Houten,
Project Manager & Creative Producer
"Thanks bro! This was really insightful, I have an idea how to work out ideas now :D"
Özhan Ates,
Digital Designer
"I already thanked you like a 100x mentally for these insights!"
Janinke Ebbendorf,
Creative Copywriter
"Fantastic! A great mix of theory and discussing examples."
Fleur de Koning,
2D Animator
"Thanks for the great masterclass. It was fascinating, with an interesting discussion at the end. Enrol me for the next one."
Tom Tiepermann,
Creative & Copywriter
"In this masterclass, Erhan gave several options to create better headlines in a quicker way. Packed with lots of inspiring examples. All in 45 minutes—great!"
Angela Poll,
Content Specialist
"Awesome masterclass! I laughed out loud a few times :) Very well explained with straight-forward exercises and lots of creativity."